Uliveto di Mede: Nurturing Heritage, Cultivating Sustainability

In the sun-soaked landscapes of Puglia, Italy, a silent story unfolds among the olive trees that have weathered years of abandonment. This narrative, however, is not one of despair but of revival and rejuvenation, thanks to Uliveto di Mede – a name synonymous with a commitment to authenticity, sustainability, and the preservation of Puglia's cultural legacy.

The Forgotten Groves of Puglia

For years, a significant number of olive groves in Puglia suffered from abandonment. Economic challenges, shifting demographics, and changing agricultural practices led to neglect, leaving once-vibrant groves silent witnesses to the passage of time. Among these groves were over 50 olive trees that had weathered the test of time, standing as resilient sentinels of Puglia's agricultural heritage.

A Commitment to Restoration

Recognizing the value of these ancient trees, Uliveto di Mede embarked on a mission of restoration. The decision to breathe life back into these neglected olive groves was born out of a commitment to sustainability, environmental stewardship, and the preservation of Puglia's cultural legacy.




You are committed to embracing sustainability, supporting the olive groves, and enjoying the annual harvest from your adopted tree. You will receive 3L of Extra Virgin Olive Oil cold pressed from olives produced in our grove. Your adopted tree is a part of a family of olive trees, and you are helping them produce healthy olives every year. 

The Revitalization Process

1. Pruning and Care:

  • The first step involved meticulous pruning and care for each neglected tree under the watchful gaze of our experts. This process aimed not only to rejuvenate the trees but also to enhance their overall health and productivity.

2. Sustainable Agriculture Practices:

  • Transitioning to sustainable agriculture practices, Uliveto di Mede embraced organic cultivation methods, avoiding any pesticides and fertilizers. This choice not only benefited the environment but also contributed to the production of authentic, high-quality olive oil.

3. Harvesting with Purpose:

  • Harvesting was carried out with a deep sense of purpose, recognizing the significance of each olive. The olives, once left to rot, became the heart of a renewed commitment to quality and authenticity.





Your Role in the Journey

By choosing Uliveto di Mede's olive oil, you become a part of this journey of restoration and sustainability. Your support helps us continue our mission to breathe life back into abandoned olive groves, ensuring that their legacy endures for generations to come.

In every drop of Uliveto di Mede's high-quality olive oil, there is a story of resilience, revival, and a shared commitment to a sustainable future. Together, let us celebrate the renaissance of Puglia's abandoned olive groves and savor the authenticity that comes from giving life to trees that stood the test of time.

Authenticity in Every Drop

The olive oil produced by Uliveto di Mede from these revitalized groves is more than a product; it is a testament to the potential for positive change. By investing in the rescue and rejuvenation of abandoned olive trees, Uliveto di Mede has created a product that carries the essence of Puglia's rich history and environmental sustainability.

The Impact on Local Communities

The revival of abandoned olive groves extends beyond the trees themselves. It has a positive impact on local communities by creating employment opportunities, fostering a sense of pride, and promoting the region's unique agricultural heritage. Through this initiative, Uliveto di Mede aims not only to produce exceptional olive oil but also to contribute to the well-being of Puglia's residents.

Investing in a Sustainable Future

As we witness the transformation of these once-forgotten groves into flourishing orchards under the care of Uliveto di Mede, the commitment to sustainability deepens. The brand believes that investing more in saving abandoned olive trees in Puglia is not only an investment in the environment but also in the cultural and economic vitality of the region.